The 5 questions a customer should ask anyone proposing an alkaline machine

The 5 questions a customer should ask anyone proposing an alkaline machine

Estratti di frutta e verdura

Filter jugs, purifiers, reverse osmosis, hydrogenated water dispensers and water ionisers.....from 30, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 € and more, which one to choose? And why? They all, in their words, do everything and do it well! Here are the 5 questions an informed customer should ask anyone proposing a water treatment machine.

1) What kind of filters do they use?

How many filters does the device use and what materials are these filters made of?
Asking this is crucial because depending on the number of filters and the material they are made of, the filtration capacity and reliability over time changes considerably.
The most reliable material in water treatment is active carbon.
This provides complete filtration of all organic chemicals such as chlorine, fluorine, heavy metals, pesticides, PFOS, PFOA and PFAS, traces of drugs and more, while preserving mineral salts such as calcium and magnesium.
Another material that must never be missing is anion ceramics: the only compound that can completely eliminate solvents, nitrates, bacteria and viruses that can circulate in water.
The main effect of this treatment is to improve the taste and lightness of the water.
On the other hand, be wary of reverse osmosis, it removes all components (including valuable minerals such as calcium) and makes the water acidic (dead water).
This is what the structure of a filter should look like to ensure maximum performance in terms of filtration and durability.

2) What is the pH level of the water supplied?

The first key point, besides purity, is the level of alkalinity (the so-called pH).
The pH of water should normally be between 8.5 and 10.5 in order to provide extraordinary benefits to all our bodily functions.
It has been proven that people who drink 2 litres of alkaline water a day, if they are overweight, lose on average 5 kg in 2 months without making any changes in their lifestyle.
Furthermore, alkaline water is the most powerful antioxidant in nature and is able to triple the antioxidant activity of vitamin C and neutralise free radicals, substances responsible for DNA damage.
Finally, drinking alkaline water is of enormous benefit in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and strengthening the bones and digestive system (reduces stomach ache, constipation and gastro-oesophageal reflux).
The first question to ask when buying a machine that treats water is: how many different alkaline water programmes does the machine have?
A second question follows: does the machine I am buying show the pH value on the screen and in real time according to the level selected? And is this value reliable?
To check this, it is sufficient to use a droplet reagent, with which the exact pH level of the water being analysed can be identified immediately and with vigorous precision.
Alternatively, a litmus paper can be used: just as easy to use and to find in pharmacies!

3) What is the ORP of the supplied water in relation to pH?

Asking what the Reductive Oxide Potential (ORP) value achieved by the machine is perhaps the most important question.
Any chemical reaction that is not carried out properly produces a series of Free Radicals in our bodies, loose cannons in the body, capable of combining not only with metal ions (heavy metals) or salts, but also with large macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, ATP, etc.
The result is cell degeneration and ageing or potential development of tumour masses.

Consuming water with a good negative ORP will allow your immune system to operate with maximum efficiency, remaining uncommitted towards free radicals and very active towards everyday external aggressions.
In fact, the greater (negative) the electronegative value of the ORP, the better equipped our organism will be to fight Free Radicals by killing them in the bud.
An informed customer should therefore first ask himself (and ask) what ORP value is achieved by the alkaline machine he is about to purchase, and especially whether it is indicated on the screen in real time.
A quality alkaline machine must be able to guarantee an ORP of at least -800 mV.
The table below highlights the properties and antioxidant potential of various types of water.
As can be seen, ionised alkaline water has the highest antioxidant potential and is the optimal solution for anyone wishing to support their health through nutrition.

4) What is the dissolved hydrogen (H2) in relation to pH?

Research on molecular hydrogen has triggered new attention in the scientific and medical community in the fields of anti-ageing, disease treatment and health maintenance.
There are over 700 scientific articles published in reputable scientific and medical journals pointing to the therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen.
It is no coincidence that the so-called 'healing waters' found in many parts of the world, such as in Iguazú (Argentina), Lourdes (France), Tlacote (Mexico) and Tenryosui Hita (Japan) contain large quantities of molecular hydrogen dissolved in them.
This is why asking what is the level of dissolved hydrogen in the water is essential to assess the level of quality of the water delivered by the device you are buying.
A quality ioniser should guarantee at least 700 ppb (parts per billion) of dissolved hydrogen.

5) What is the vital energy and vitality level of the water supplied?

We all want to drink good, healthy and pure water but how do we know if the water we are drinking is really such?
We trust what they tell us, the labels, but how can we be sure that the water we are drinking is really so pure?
Imagine you line up 20 bottles of water of different labels on a table. Which one do you think is the best?
Konstantin Korotkov, a doctor of social sciences and deputy director of the Federal Institute of Physics in St Petersburg said: 'We analysed very good quality water sold in particular bottles, and the company that produces it brands it as the best water in the world, but it is empty: it is dead water. It is really clean, it is good, and there are minerals added, but it is completely dead, there is no energy or life in it'.
Energy: a term unknown to most but fundamental to the quality of a water.
But where does this energy come from?
To answer this question, let me tell you a historical anecdote: during the Cold War years, in a secret laboratory of a military institute that dealt with the development and production of weapons of mass destruction, a number of scientists had been working for several years on the production of the deadliest next-generation bacteriological weapons.
The properties that these weapons were to possess were discussed for many hours in a secret meeting.
Suddenly the meeting was interrupted and all the participants were taken to hospital with severe symptoms of food poisoning.
An investigation was conducted which ended in a dead end: the participants had tasted nothing but the water on their table.
The water was checked but no trace of contaminants was found: it was plain H20.
The doctors were therefore unable to understand the reason for this collective poisoning.
Twenty years later, a group of scientists came up with an incredible hypothesis that could explain what happened two decades ago: water has a mind.
The water had 'listened' and memorised the negative and toxic energy of that long discussion and transferred it into the body of those who drank it.
To confirm this hypothesis, another group of scientists and researchers from different nationalities, led by Masaru Emoto, studied water from famous natural springs, located in various places around the world, to which local populations attributed beneficial or even 'miraculous' properties.What these researchers discovered was revolutionary: water is an entity in its own right endowed with memory. Its molecules have the property of combining and organising themselves into hormonal or disharmonic clusters (geometric shapes).
This organisation is given by the type of information that water has received throughout its life from the energies (positive or negative) that surround it.
The form taken by water is nothing more than a mirror of the quality of the energy it contains.
In light of this, the most important question you should ask when purchasing an alkaline machine is: is the water dispensed dead or alive?
That is, what is the level of vital energy contained in the water and how have you proven that the water is alive?

This is the fundamental question, without which talking about everything else makes little sense.
Because as Rustum Roj, a university professor in Pennsylvania and a member of the US International Academy of Sciences, says: 'The dominant viewpoint in water analysis has always been chemical analysis, and so the sensational news is that this is all nonsense. The structure of water is much more important than the chemical composition. The structure of water is in how its molecules are organised."

Extra: If there is a lot of limescale in the water, how do I keep the ionisation plates healthy?

When we talk about water ionisers or equipment for drinking water, or even bottled water or tap water, THESE ARE THE FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS TO ASSESS THE QUALITY OF THE WATER, and moreover, for the ioniser, given the hardness characteristics of our water, add: the periodic descaling of the platinum plates.
Normally the ionisers carry out an automatic cleaning by themselves but you must know that this, especially in Italian waters that are rich in limestone, is not sufficient and in the medium-long term the risk is that the ionisation plates become encrusted with the consequent loss of effectiveness of the ionisation and the breakage of the machine in the most serious cases.
This is why combining this cleaning with further thorough cleaning is essential.
The use of a descaling pump is the safest, most practical and economical method to keep the ioniser plates healthy forever.

The Life Energy Water ioniser with the Gold Disc is an extraordinary device, designed in Italy by Siqur Salute, that provides you with water that is:


- Eliminates 99% of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, fine dust, rust and chemical-physical substances (PFAS, chlorine, arsenic, fluorine, boron, uranium, cyanotoxins, pesticides, lead, asbestos, nitrates and arsenic).
- Preserves all mineral salts (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium).
- It uses double filtration (one active carbon filter and one ceramic anion filter) for a more reliable and long-lasting result.


- Delivers water with a high antioxidant potential (ORP) signalled in real time on screen (-620 mV).
- Delivers 11 different pH levels, five of which are alkaline (pH 10.5, 10, 9.5, 9 and 8.5), one of which is neutral (pH 7) and five of which are acid (pH 6.5, 6, 5.5, 3.5).
- Requires no maintenance except replacement of filters when indicated on screen.
- Increases mineral bioavailability by up to 43%.
- Delivers water rich in dissolved hydrogen (up to 700 ppb).


- Harmonises the micro-molecules that make up water and protects them from any electromagnetic interference.
- Creates a specific energy field capable of collecting and dissipating the harmful energies contained in water.
- It delivers living water, consisting of high vital energy, high biological information and high biological effectiveness.
- Scientifically proves (with images of water crystallisation obtained from the Vision Lab in Zurich using Masaru Emoto's method) the high coherence (high level of order) of the water molecules produced.

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